Daedalus, ut fama est, fugiens Minoia regna
praepetibus pennis ausus se credere caelo
insuetum per iter gelidas enavit ad Arctos,
Chalcidicaque levis tandem super astitit arce.
redditus his primum terris tibi, Phoebe, sacravit 5
remigium alarum posuitque immania templa.
in foribus letum Androgeo; tum pendere poenas
Cecropidae iussi (miserum!) septena quotannis
corpora natorum; stat ductis sortibus urna.
contra elata mari respondet Cnosia tellus: 10
hic crudelis amor tauri suppostaque furto
Pasiphae mixtumque genus prolesque biformis
Minotaurus inest, Veneris monimenta nefandae,
hic labor ille domus et inextricabilis error;
magnum reginae sed enim miseraturs amorem 15
Daedalus ipse dolos tecti ambagesque resolvit,
caeca regens filo vestigia.
Aeneid 6.14-30a
(Excerpt from the Aeneid, available online
here: Book 6.)
1. What is the reference fugiens . . . caelo (lines 1-2)?
Mercury's mission to Aeneas
the flight of Daedalus and Icarus
Aeneas's coming journey to the underworld
the flight of the Trojans from plague-ridden Crete
2. Which direction did Daedalus travel (line 3)?
3. What noun does levis modify (line 4)?
Daedalus (line 1)
pennis (line 2)
Arctos(line 3)
arce (line 4)
4. What act of thanksgiving did Daedalus perform (lines
made a sacrifice
prayed to Apollo
built a temple
offered up his only son
5. How many elisions occur in line 6?
6. How is the story related in lines 7-17 being shared?
on leaves in the Sibyl's cave
by word of mouth from the Sibyl to Aeneas
in friezes on the temple doors
as an aside by the poet to the audience
7. What is the point of contra . . . respondet (line 10)?
Minos declares war in response to his son's death.
The story is continued on the other door.
Theseus challenges Minos's authority.
Aeneas replies to the Sibyl's story.

8. Identify the Cnosia tellus (line 10).
9. What part of the story is being related in hic . . .
Pasiphae (lines 11-12)?
the slaying of the Minotaur
how Ariadne betrayed the Minotaur out of love
the mating of Pasiphae and the bull
the construction of the labyrinth
10. Why is the adjective biformis appropriate (line 12)?
Theseus is twice as strong as contemporary men.
It describes the escape of father and son from Minos.
The Minotaur is of mixed heritage.
Theseus and his intended bride are of different nationalities.
11. What figure of speech occurs in line 13?
synchesis (interlocking word order)
12. What is the reference hic . . . error (line 14)?
the labyrinth
Icarus's erratic flight and crash
the Trojans' wanderings
Daedalus's travels
13. Who is the reginae (line 15)?
14. Who or what is the amorem (line 15)?
Daedalus's love for Icarus
Pasiphae's love for the bull
Ariadne's love for Theseus
Minos's love for his family