A.P.* Multiple Choice: Widukind (Res Gestae Saxonicae 3.65)
* = Abney Practice

Read Widukind's account of a competition between religions that occurred in medieval Denmark.
Then choose the correct answer for the questions that follow. 

For vocabulary help, move the cursor over the underlined words, and a definition will appear.
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The Aeneid


Dani antiquitus erant Christiani, sed nichilominus idolis ritu gentili servientes. Contigit autem
altercationem super cultura deorum fieri in quodam convivio rege praesente, Danis affirmantibus
Christum quidem esse deum, sed alios eo fore maiores deos, quippe qui potiora mortalibus signa et
prodigia per se ostenderent. Contra haec clericus quidam, nunc vero religiosam vitam ducens, episcopus,
nomine Poppa, unum verum Deum Patrem cum Filio unigenito Domino nostro Iesu Christo et Spiritu  5
Sancto, simulacra vero daemonia esse et non deos, testatus est. Haraldus autem rex, utpote qui velox
traditur fore ad audiendum, tardus ad loquendum, interrogat si hanc fidem per semetipsum declarare velit.
Ille incunctanter velle respondit. Rex vero custodire clericum usque in crastinum iubet. Mane facto, ingentis
ponderis ferrum igne succendi iubet, clericumque ob fidem catholicam candens ferrum portare iussit.
Confessor Christi indubitanter ferrum rapit, tamdiuque deportat quo ipse rex decernit; manum               10
incolumem cunctis ostendit, fidem catholicam omnibus probabilem reddit. Ad haec rex conversus,
Christum Deum solum colendum decrevit, idola respuenda subiectis gentibus imperat, Dei sacerdotibus et
ministris honorem debitum deinde praestitit.

Widukind, Res Gestae Saxonicae 3.65

(Excerpt from Widukind, Res Gestae Saxonicae, available online here: Book 3. )

1. On what word does the case of ritu gentili depend

    (line 1)?

2. What occurred in the passage Contigit

    . . . praesente (lines 1-2)?
The king presented a religious debate.
A religious debate chanced to occur.
A dispute touched upon the king's worship.
Dinner guests argued about religion with the king.

3. What is the correct translation of eo (line 3)?
to there
I go
than he
from him

4. What allegation do the Danes make (lines 3-4)?
They deny the divinity of Christ.
They doubt Christ's power.
Christ regularly demonstrates his power.
There are other greater gods.

5. What is the countercharge of Poppa

    (lines 5-6)?
The Danes are demonically possessed.
He would put the demons to the test.
Idols are actually demons.
Demons, not Christ, had true power.

6. What is the correct translation of testatus est (line

he was tested
he tested
he testified
he was witnessed

7. How does the author characterize King Harald,

    according to utpote . . . loquendum (lines 6-7)?

8. How may we best summarize the king's request of

    the bishop (line 7)?
Explain this religion by yourself.
Let your faith explain itself.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Declare this religion if you wish.

9. Identify the construction ingentis ponderis

    (lines 8-9)?
ablative of means
possessive genitive
dative of reference
descriptive genitive

10. What trial must the bishop undergo (line 9)?
be crushed by a massive weight
carry red-hot iron
allow himself to be branded
throw himself willingly upon a sword

11. What is the outcome of the story (lines 11-13)?
The king is rejected.
Christianity is accepted.
The people spit on the priest.
God honors his priests.