Look how useful the ablative absolute is. We can use it to retell the entire story of the Ulysses and the Cyclops, reminding us that anything a verb or an adjective can do, a participle can do, too. For each item there are only two choices, so focus carefully on the grammar. Click on the choice that is the most grammatically accurate translation. Among the items are rare future ablatives absolute.
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nāve in terram ignōtam appulsā
after driving the ship to an unknown land
after the ship had been driven to an unknown land
Ulixe et duodecim sociīs ē nāve ēgressīs
when Ulysses and twelve comrades had disembarked from the ship
when Ulysses and twelve comrades were disembarking from the ship
spēluncā ingentī magnitūdine inventā
when a cave of huge size had been found
while finding a cave of huge size
nautīs spēluncam intrātūrīs
as the sailors were entering the cave
as the sailors were about to enter the cave
magnā copiā lactis et caseī in vāsīs
because there was a large supply of milk and cheese in the vases
Freebie! Pick the other one. Remember that "sum" has no present or perfect participles.
sonitū terribilī audītō
because a terrible noise had been heard
hearing a terrible noise
mōnstrō horribilī ā nautīs vīsō
as a horrible monster was seen by the sailors
after a horrible monster had been seen by the sailors
Cyclope ūnum modo oculum mediā in fronte habente
since the Cyclops had had only one eye in the middle of his forehead
since the Cyclops had only one eye in the middle of his forehead
Graecīs in interiōre spēluncae parte abditīs
after the Greeks were hiding in the inner part of the cave
after the Greeks had been hidden in the inner part of the cave
Cyclope Polyphēmō duōs nautās vorante
when the Cyclops had devoured two sailors
while the Cyclops devoured two sailors
omnī spē salūtis dēpositā
with all hope of safety being put aside
when all hope of safety had been put aside
ostiō spēluncae ingentī saxō clausō
after closing the mouth of the cave with a huge rock
after the mouth of the cave had been closed with huge rock
Cyclope ē spēluncā ēgrediente
as the Cyclops departed from the cave
after the Cyclops had departed from the cave
cōnsiliō ab Ulixe factō
while a plan was being made by Ulysses
when a plan had been made by Ulysses
pālō in ignī acūtō factō
while making a stake sharp in the fire
with a stake made sharp in the fire
vīnō Polyphēmō datō
after wine had been given to Polyphemus
after giving wine to Polyphemus
Ulixe sē "Neminem" appellante
because Ulysses had called himself "Nobody"
because Ulysses was calling himself "Nobody"
Cyclope dīcente sē Ulixem postrēmum omnium vorātūrō esse
after the Cyclops said that he would eat Ulysses last of all
as Cyclops said that he would eat Ulysses last of all
oculō Cyclopis pālō perfossō
with the Cyclops's eye being pierced by the stake
when the Cyclops's eye had been pierced by the stake
Polyphēmō clāmante "Neminem" id fēcisse
as Polyphemus had shouted that "Nobody" had done it