1. Die deutschsprachigen Länder
2. Ein bisschen Erdkunde
3. Die Länder Europas
4. Berühmte Deutsche
5. Das Alphabet
6. Wie heißt du?
7. Das Klassenzimmer
8. Die Zahlen (Numbers)
9. Die Zahlen auf Plattdeutsch
10. Die Farben (Colors)
11. Konversation
Die Konversation beginnt hier. (Classroom notes)
Kapitel Eins (in development)
1. Konversation
2. Wie kommst du zur Schule?
3. Forms of the verb sein (to be)
4. Forms of the verb kommen (to come)
5. Forms of the verb heißen (to be called)
Kapitel Zwei (in development)
1. All present tense forms of the verb sein (to be)
2. All present tense forms of the verb kommen (to come)
3. All present tense forms of the verb heißen (to be called)
4. All present tense forms of the verb basteln (to do crafts)
5. All present tense forms of the verb reiten (to ride)
6. All present tense forms of the verb laufen (to run)
11. Days of the week and seasons
12. Months
Kapitel Drei (in development)
1. All present tense forms of the verb wohnen (to live)
2. All present tense forms of the verb möchte (would like)
4. Wo wohnst du?
6. Essen und Trinken
7. Mein Zimmer
8. Meine Familie
9. Adjectives from Kapitel Drei
Kapitel Vier (in development)
1. School Subjects
Word search
2. All present tense forms of the verb kaufen (to buy)
3. All present tense forms of the verb haben (to have)
4. Pronoun substitution
Kapitel Fünf (in development)
1. Clothing
3. All present tense forms of the verb nehmen (to take)
Kapitel Sechs (in development)
1. All present tense forms of the verb vorhaben (to have plans)
2. All present tense forms of the verb essen (to eat)
3. All present tense forms of the verb wollen (to want)
Kapitel Sieben (in development)
1. Wie musst du zu Hause helfen?
2. Weather
3. All present tense forms of the verb helfen (to help)
4. All present tense forms of the verb können (to be able to)
5. All present tense forms of the verb müssen (to have to)
6. All present tense forms of the verb gießen (to pour, water)
7. All present tense forms of the verb aufräumen (to clean up)
8. All present tense forms of the verb abräumen (to clear off)
9. All present tense forms of the verb mitkommen (to come along)
Kapitel Acht (in development)
1. Essen und Trinken
Supermarket flashcards
2. All present tense forms of the verb sollen (to be supposed to)
3. All present tense forms of the verb einkaufen (to shop)
4. All present tense forms of the verb tun (to do; to put)
6. Past Tenses in German
All the one-word past tense forms of sein (was)
All the one-word past tense forms of haben (had)